Amara Singh

Resident of ArtAbsurd

Evelyn Hayes was born in London, England, in 1988. Her passion for art was ignited at a young age, fueled by her fascination with the works of Clyde Caldwell and Cicely Mary Barker. As she delved into their creations, Evelyn became captivated by the magical worlds they depicted, filled with fantastical creatures, captivating landscapes, and enchanting fairies.

Evelyn studied fine arts at the University of the Arts London, where she honed her skills in various techniques and mediums. During her studies, she began experimenting with her own unique style, merging the fantasy themes and detailed illustrations of her artistic idols with contemporary artistic sensibilities. Her Enchanted Realism quickly garnered attention and appreciation from both her peers and the art world.

A significant emotional moment in Evelyn’s life was the passing of her beloved grandmother in 2015. This loss deeply affected her, and as a tribute to their shared love of nature and fantasy, Evelyn created a series of paintings dedicated to her grandmother’s memory, featuring magical fairies tending to the beauty of the natural world.

One of the strengths of Evelyn’s work is her ability to transport viewers to mystical realms through her intricate illustrations and enchanting themes. However, some critics argue that her work can occasionally appear overly sentimental, catering to a niche audience rather than appealing to a broader spectrum of art enthusiasts.

Despite these criticisms, Evelyn Hayes has carved out a distinct place for herself in the art world. Her enchanting paintings continue to captivate audiences and inspire a sense of wonder, serving as a testament to the enduring power of fantasy and the imagination.

Works by Evelyn Hayes