Amara Singh

Amara Singh was born in New Delhi, India, in 1984. From a young age, she was exposed to the rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions of India, which instilled in her a deep appreciation for the expressive power of color and ornamentation. As she pursued her passion for art, Amara became increasingly interested in the potential of merging the traditional elements of Indian art with the mystical and symbolic approach found in the works of Agostino Arrivabene. In 2003, Amara relocated to Mumbai to study fine arts at the Sir J.J. School of Art.

During her time there, she discovered the works of Agostino Arrivabene and Amrita Sher-Gil, two artists who would profoundly influence her artistic vision. Amara was captivated by the enigmatic symbolism and intricate detail found in Arrivabene’s art, while she was also drawn to the figurative and cultural references often seen in Sher-Gil’s paintings. A defining emotional moment in Amara’s life occurred in 2008, when she returned to New Delhi after the passing of her grandmother. The experience of reconnecting with her family and heritage led Amara to create a series of works that explored themes of identity, memory, and the enduring power of tradition. Drawing on her personal experiences and the styles of Arrivabene and Sher-Gil, Amara developed her unique Fusion Aesthetic.

Amara Singh’s technique is characterized by her use of acrylic paints on canvas, layering and blending colors to create a dynamic and intricate visual language. This approach allows her to merge the colorful and ornamental elements of Indian art with the mystical and symbolic approach of Agostino Arrivabene, resulting in captivating and emotionally resonant compositions. One of the strengths of Amara’s work is her ability to seamlessly blend the rich cultural heritage of India with the innovations of modern symbolic art, creating a unique visual language that speaks to both the traditions and the future of Indian art. Her paintings are visually striking and evoke a sense of emotional depth, inviting viewers to engage with the interplay of color, form, and cultural symbolism. However, some critics argue that Amara’s work can occasionally be overly reliant on the fusion of styles, resulting in a lack of cohesiveness in her compositions.

Additionally, her focus on blending traditional and modern elements can sometimes obscure the intended message or emotional impact of her work, making it feel inaccessible to some viewers. Despite these criticisms, Amara Singh has undeniably made a significant impact on the contemporary art scene. Her innovative Fusion Aesthetic has resonated with audiences around the world, and her exploration of identity, memory, and tradition continues to inspire and captivate viewers. As Amara continues to develop and refine her style, her influence and impact on the art world are sure to grow, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations of artists to build upon.

Works by Amara Singh